澳门银银河8228网站262版本(官方VIP下载)-GREEN LIFE

Dream comes true with technology


Injection Molding Processing Recommendations of ABS/PBT Alloy

Injection Molding Unit ZLFR1000 ZLFR2000 ZLFR3000 ZLFR3000LW ZL3500 ZL4000

drying temperature

100-120 100-120 100-120 100-120 100-120 100-120
drying time hrs 4--6 4--6 4--6 4--6 4--6 4--6
nozzle temperature 245-255 245-255 245-255 245-255 245-255 245-255
molding temperature 230-250 230-250 230-250 230-250 230-250 230-250
mold temperature 50-80 50-80 50-80 50-80 50-80 50-80
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